How much gold is in your ore?
Been out prospecting and found yourself some gold ore?
Feels eye-poppingly good, eh? Well, with a bit of work, your gold ore can be refined into the most seductive mineral there is: gold! But first, you’ll want to know how much actual gold is present in your ore.
At Mother Lode, we can estimate the number of parts per million of gold in your ore. It’s as simple as sending us your rock so we can run it through our processing plant for you.
Our processing plant is state of the art, built from high-quality industrial equipment from Mt Baker Mining and Metals. It uses gravity separation to liberate your gold from your ore. Once that’s done, we can give you an accurate estimate in parts per million. You can see the process in the diagram below – or watch this killer video.
It’s worth remembering that because no chemicals are used in gravity separation, not all gold is liberated. However, you’ll get a good indication of your ore’s gold content.
Gold ore processing for the small scale miner:

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